Relax & Decrease Stress, Anxiety, and feeling Overwhelmed
You are struggling and feeling overwhelmed, stressed, angsty, and/or anxious. Perhaps you've looked into some ways to improve things and felt stuck, because "it all takes so much time" or you are looking for a therapist and you have not found someone yet or you are on a waiting list. You are wanting your life to be easier!
Increasingly, people are taking ownership of their mental health and wanting to take action to give themselves greater ease. Life does not have to be difficult!
I have put together a short course to teach some of the foundational skills I teach therapy clients in my long practice as a Clinical Psychologist based on evidence based skills. These de-arousal or relaxation skills form the basis of intervention for stress, anxiety, distress, panic, and more. It is my intention that if you are seeing a therapist or plan to see a therapist, that you will be able to get more out of your therapy time and use it for different things, because you will already have the core skills that we can take a long time developing and that are needed for working with feelings.
The four tracks that are here come from my Mind's Ease album that is available on iTunes, Amazon, and other distribution partners and are high quality WAVE files that can be played from any device. The explanatory tracks were recorded recently (MP3s).
For better emotional health, we need reactive and proactive strategies. I explain what these are and how to use these.
- Grounding yourself and becoming more present
- Dealing with thoughts that can derail you
- Calm breathing and curveballs when trying to do body focussed techniques
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation
- A short soles of the feet mindfulness exercise
Short of time? These audios are deliberately short (3-4 minutes) to give you the maximum tools in the shortest amount of time and, as a bonus, you have one minute versions of your exercises to increase the ease with which you can use these.
How am I qualified to teach this?
I am privileged to be a Clinical Psychologist in New Zealand with specialist training in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health issues. I have training in a variety of modalities including advanced training in EMDR. I am one of the youngest Clinical Psychologists to have been awarded fellowship of the NZ College of Clinical Psychologists in recognition of my contribution to Clinical Psychology in NZ. I am passionate about teaching and the difference Clinical Psychology can make. For much of my working life, I have worked as an academic and teacher and won awards for distance teaching in particular.
What others have said about my seminars and teaching:
"Calm, soothing voice, mindfulness exercises, gentle energy, your aura"
"Clear guides and tips on what to do"
"Excellent style of presentation"
"Your Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercise has helped me with my sleep"
Check out my Youtube Channel and Albums on Itunes, Spotify and more to get a sense of me or come over on to FaceBook (@DrKumariNZ).
Your life can be easier than it is and that is a worthwhile pursuit.
I have added Just a Minute (JAM) versions of all the course audios for you to use immediately. These are just a minute so they will build up your confidence, help you weave in stress reduction strategies into your life, and increase the tools you have in your toolkit.
Please note:
This material is educational and no therapeutic contract is implied. I recommend that you are in contact with your general practitioner to let them know what you are experiencing and what you are trying so they can support you.
high quality studio recorded exercises to use immediately, short audio explanation tracks, and ideas for practice.